Results for 'David P. Berry'

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  1.  26
    Caveat reporting in ultrasound interpretation of surgical pathology: a comparison of sonographer versus radiologist.Giuseppe Garcea, Asif Mahmoud, Seok Ling Ong, Yvonee Rees, David P. Berry & Ashely R. Dennison - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):97-99.
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    Predictive factors for unanticipated admission following day case surgery.Giuseppe Garcea, Ibrar Majid, Clare J. Pattenden, Christopher D. Sutton, Christopher P. Neal & David P. Berry - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):175-177.
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    David P. D. Munns, Engineering the Environment: Phytotrons and the Quest for Climate Control in the Cold War , 360 pp., 38 b&w illus., $49.95 Hardcover, ISBN 9780822944744. [REVIEW]Dominic J. Berry - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (1):203-205.
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    Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity (review).Mark David Wood - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):267-278.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 267-278 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity. Edited by David Loy. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1996. 120 pp. The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.--Karl Marx, Eleventh Thesis on Feuerbach Healing Deconstruction, edited by David Loy, is a (...)
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    Looking at Innovation: Two Approaches to Educational Reasearch.P. Sheldrake & S. Berry - 1976 - British Journal of Educational Studies 24 (2):188-189.
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    'An Aristocracy of Exalted Spirits': The Idea of the Church in Newman's Tamworth Reading Room by David P. Delio.David P. Deavel - 2017 - Newman Studies Journal 14 (1):78-80.
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  7. The Logic of Leviathan. The Moral and Political Theory of Thomas Hobbes.David P. Gauthier - 1971 - Studia Leibnitiana 3 (4):293-296.
  8.  95
    Moral Dealing: Contract, Ethics, and Reason.David P. Gauthier - 1990 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    David Gauthier is one of the most outstanding and influential philosophers working in moral theory today, and his book Morals by Agreement has established him as a preeminent defender of contractarian moral theory. This volume brings together a selection of his best essays on contractarianism, many of which have become difficult to find.
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    The destroyed world and the guilty self: a psychoanalytic study of culture and politics.David P. Levine - 2019 - Oxfordshire [ England]: Phoenix Publishing House. Edited by Matthew H. Bowker.
    David Levine and Mathew Bowker explore cultural and political trends organized around the conviction that the world we live in is a dangerous place to be, that it is dominated by hate and destruction, and that in it our primary task is to survive by carrying on a life-long struggle against hostile forces. Their method involves the analysis of public fantasies to reveal their hidden meanings. The central fantasy explored is the fantasy of a destroyed world, which appears most (...)
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  10. Morals by agreement.David P. Gauthier - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is morality rational? In this book Gauthier argues that moral principles are principles of rational choice. He proposes a principle whereby choice is made on an agreed basis of cooperation, rather than according to what would give an individual the greatest expectation of value. He shows that such a principle not only ensures mutual benefit and fairness, thus satisfying the standards of morality, but also that each person may actually expect greater utility by adhering to morality, even though the choice (...)
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    International Business and the Challenges of Poverty in the Developing World.David P. Schultz - 2006 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 26 (1):211-213.
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    (1 other version)Hare's debtors.David P. Gauthier - 1968 - Mind 77 (307):400-405.
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  13. The Future of Faith in American Politics: The Public Witness of the Evangelical Center.David P. Gushee - 2008
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    Through the Quarantine Looking Glass: Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and Public Health Governance, Law, and Ethics.David P. Fidler, Lawrence O. Gostin & Howard Markel - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (4):616-628.
    Dramatic events involving dangerous microbes often focus attention on isolation and quarantine as policy instruments. The incident in May-June 2007 involving Andrew Speaker and drug-resistant tuberculosis joins other communicable disease crises that have forced contemplation or actual application of quarantine powers. Implementation of quarantine powers, which encompasses authority for both isolation and quarantine actions, is important not only for the handling of a specific event but also because the use of such authority provides a window on broader issues of public (...)
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  15.  32
    Personal Identity.David P. Behan - 1985 - Philosophical Books 26 (2):112-113.
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    Attack on Government: Fear, Distrust, and Hatred in Public Life.David P. Levine - 2004 - Pitchstone Publishing.
    Distrust of government and a sense that government has failed are central features of public life in America. Attack on Government is a psychological study of these and related features of the way we experience government in the United States. The book considers such topics as the moral standing of government, the free market ideal, and the abuse of power.
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  17. Coleridge's "historic race" : Ethical and political otherness.David P. Haney - 2009 - In Donald R. Wehrs & David P. Haney, Levinas and Nineteenth-Century Literature: Ethics and Otherness From Romanticism Through Realism. University of Delaware Press.
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    Innovative Policies under Bloomberg's ‘New’ Public Health.David P. Borden - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (1):6-7.
    The third of five commentaries on “Bloomberg's Health Legacy: Urban Innovator or Meddling Nanny?” from the September‐October 2013.
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    Is bigger really better? The search for brain size and intelligence in the twenty-first century.David P. Carey - 2007 - In Sergio Della Sala, Tall Tales About the Mind and Brain: Separating Fact From Fiction. Oxford University Press. pp. 105--122.
  20.  10
    Buddhist biology: ancient Eastern wisdom meets modern Western science.David P. Barash - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A science sutra -- Non-self (Anatman) -- Impermanence (Anitya) -- Connectedness (Pratitya-Samutpada) -- Engagement, part 1 (Dukkha) -- Engagement, part 2 (Karma) -- Meaning (existential Biobuddhism?).
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  21.  57
    Editor's note.David P. Ericson - 1990 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 10 (1):1-2.
  22.  23
    The age of biology: When plant physiology was in the center of American life science.David P. D. Munns - 2021 - History of Science 59 (4):492-521.
    For much of the twentieth century, plant physiologists considered themselves in an ideal position to study and explain the functions and processes of plants. Much of that authority stemmed from plant physiologists’ long-standing commitment to experimental control and the integration of the physical sciences into biological practice. This article places plant physiology back in the center of the story of the recent life sciences. It shows the development of parallel experimental research programs into environmental as well as genetic effects on (...)
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  23.  28
    Hume's Labyrinth.David P. Behan - 1985 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 2 (3):309 - 321.
  24.  14
    Moral Formation and the Evangelical Voter.David P. Gushee & Justin Phillips - 2006 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 26 (2):23-60.
    THE STRONG SUPPORT OF EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS FOR PRESIDENT George W. Bush contributed significantly to his reelection in November 2004. This was cause for celebration in some quarters and despair in others. It has led to an avalanche of attention to the perennial issue of the relationship between faith and politics, the role of "moral values" in determining evangelical voting patterns, and the growing political visibility and power of evangelical Christians in the United States. This essay is written by evangelical Christians (...)
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    The Gesture of Hand Placement in the Hebrew Bible and in Hittite Literature.David P. Wright - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):433-446.
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    Politics without reason: the perfect world and the liberal ideal.David P. Levine - 2008 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book explores the common thread holding together seemingly diverse tendencies in attacks on liberalism. The author argues that ambivalence about the self and about desire as an expression of the self fosters the intense animosity we observe directed toward the liberal ideal. Ambivalence arises because the self is viewed as the locus of a destructive form of desire, one that must be controlled and repressed. The author argues that speaking of ambivalence toward the self is another way of speaking (...)
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  27.  26
    Commentary.David P. Schmidt - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (1):43-46.
  28.  8
    Psychoanalytic Studies of Creativity, Greed and Fine Art: Making Contact with the Self.David P. Levine - 2015 - Routledge.
    Throughout the history of psychoanalysis, the study of creativity and fine art has been a special concern. _Psychoanalytic Studies of Creativity, Greed and Fine Art: Making Contact with the Self_ makes a distinct contribution to the psychoanalytic study of art by focusing attention on the relationship between creativity and greed. This book also focuses attention on factors in the personality that block creativity, and examines the matter of the self and its ability to be present and exist as the essential (...)
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    Gender stratification in the science pipeline: A comparative analysis of seven countries.David P. Baker, Maryellen Schaub & Sandra L. Hanson - 1996 - Gender and Society 10 (3):271-290.
    This study uses a “science pipeline” model and cross-national data to examine women's participation in science education and occupations in seven countries. Gender stratification in later science education and in science occupations is found in every country examined. Young women's participation in science education decreases with each stage in the science pipeline, but there is considerable cross-national variation in the extent of gender stratification in science. Findings show greater gender stratification in science occupations than in science education, suggesting factors other (...)
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  30.  36
    Who Should Apologize When an Employee Transgresses? Source Effects on Apology Effectiveness.David P. Boyd & Krista M. Hill - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):163-170.
    This paper examines the interactive effects of apology source and apology components on forgiveness. Results revealed a significant source by component interaction. A remorseful employee apology was more successful than a remorseful CEO apology because consumers felt more empathy for the employee. Furthermore, a compensatory CEO apology was more effective than a compensatory employee apology because CEOs could significantly affect consumer perceptions of justice. No significant differences were found between apology source and the apology component of acknowledging violated rules and (...)
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  31.  23
    Freedom of Choice and Freedom from Need.David P. Levine - 2011 - Public Reason 3 (2).
  32.  21
    Cycling progenitors maintain epithelia while diverse cell types contribute to repair.David P. Doupé & Philip H. Jones - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (5):443-451.
    It has recently been shown that stem and progenitor cells undergo population self‐renewal to maintain epithelial homeostasis. The fate of individual cells is stochastic but the production of proliferating and differentiating cells is balanced across the population. This new paradigm, originating in mouse epidermis and since extended to mouse oesophagus and mouse and Drosophila intestine, is in contrast to the long held model of epithelial maintenance by exclusively asymmetric division of stem cells. Recent lineage tracing studies have now shown that (...)
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  33.  33
    Response to Phillips and Nicolayev: Kohlberg's “Research Program”.David P. Ericson - 1979 - Educational Theory 29 (4):345-348.
  34.  55
    Action. By D. G. Brown. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1968. Pp. xii + 150. $4.50.David P. Gauthier - 1969 - Dialogue 8 (2):315-317.
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    The In‐ and Under‐determinacy of Translation.David P. Graybeal - 1976 - Dialectica 30 (1):9-15.
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  36. Intellectual Trespassing as a Way of Life: Essays in Philosophy, Economics, and Mathematics.David P. Ellerman - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Dramatic changes or revolutions in a field of science are often made by outsiders or 'trespassers,' who are not limited by the established, 'expert' approaches. Each essay in this diverse collection shows the fruits of intellectual trespassing and poaching among fields such as economics, Kantian ethics, Platonic philosophy, category theory, double-entry accounting, arbitrage, algebraic logic, series-parallel duality, and financial arithmetic.
  37. Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Practical Theology for College and Young Adult Ministry.David P. Setran & Chris A. Kiesling - 2013
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    The Problem of The Formal Charges In Plato’s Apology.David P. Gontar - 1978 - Tulane Studies in Philosophy 27:89-101.
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    Thoughts on Time, Space and Existence.David P. Abbott - 1906 - The Monist 16 (3):433-450.
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    Subjectivity in Political Economy: Essays on Wanting and Choosing.David P. Levine - 1998 - Psychology Press.
    This book explores the way political economy understands human motivation. It is an exciting and unusual contribution, offering a novel integration of the insights of political economy, philosophy, and psychology.
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    What the Torture Debate Reveals about American Evangelical Christianity.David P. Gushee - 2010 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 30 (1):79-97.
    THE DISCOVERY OF DETAINEE ABUSE AT ABU GHRAIB IN 2004 FOLLOWED by the gradual disclosure or release of government documents signaling that decisive policy shifts by the U.S. government led directly to such abuses contributed to a dispiriting national debate about the morality of torture—a debate that continues today. An ongoing fracture between competing social-political-ethical visions in the evangelical world has been revealed and further exacerbated by this debate over torture. Politically conservative evangelicals restrict their policy engagement to issues such (...)
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    Zeitgenössischer Faschismus – eine philosophische Diagnose und Intervention?David P. Schweikard - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (4):720-727.
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  43. Spencer's Ethics of Equal Freedom.David P. Weinstein - 1988 - Dissertation, The Johns Hopkins University
    This study examines Herbert Spencer's social and political thought by way of his principle of equal freedom. This principle reads, "The liberty of each, limited by the like liberty of each, is the rule in conformity with which society must be organized." ;Basically, this study attempts to demonstrate that Spencer was first and foremost an indirect utilitarian and that equal freedom was the central moral rule of his indirect utilitarianism. An attempt is also made to show how Spencer conceived moral (...)
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  44.  19
    The Capacity for Ethical Conduct: On Psychic Existence and the Way We Relate to Others.David P. Levine - 2012 - Routledge.
    What is the root cause of ethical failure? Why is preoccupation with ethics more a part of the problem than a part of the solution? What makes ethical conduct a natural expression of who we are? What enables us to be ourselves in our relations with others? Ethical failure has become a significant concern in public life, in organizations and in educational institutions. The Capacity for Ethical Conduct explores how qualities of character and personality either make ethical conduct possible for (...)
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    Postmodern Interviews in Business Ethics.David P. Schmidt - 1993 - Business Ethics Quarterly 3 (3):279-284.
    My objective is to extend Ronald Green’s account of postmodernism by asking how postmodern ethicists should interview business people. I note the use of the interview method in current business ethics research. I then present Jeffrey Stout’s criticism of Robert Bellah’s interview techniques used in Habits of the Heart, which prompts questions about what constitutes a postmodern interview. In conclusion I seek clarification about whether and in what sense Ron Green intends to be a “foundationalist postmodern business ethicist.”.
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    (1 other version)How decisions are caused.David P. Gauthier - 1967 - Journal of Philosophy 64 (5):147-151.
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  47. Practical Reasoning.David P. Gauthier - 1965 - Mind 74 (293):116-125.
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  48. On Augustine’s Way Out.David P. Hunt - 1999 - Faith and Philosophy 16 (1):3-26.
    This paper seeks to rehabilitate St. Augustine’s widely dismissed response to the alleged incompatibility of divine foreknowledge and free will. This requires taking a fresh look at his analysis in On Free Choice of the Will, and arguing its relevance to the current debate. Along the way, mistaken interpretations of Augustine are rebutted, his real solution is developed and defended, a reason for his not anticipating Boethius’s a temporalist solution is suggested, a favorable comparison with Ockham is made, rival solutions (...)
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  49. The New International Health Regulations: An Historic Development for International Law and Public Health.David P. Fidler & Lawrence O. Gostin - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (1):85-94.
    The World Health Assembly adopted the new International Health Regulations on May 23, 2005. The new IHR represent the culmination of a decade-long revision process and an historic development for international law and public health. The new IHR appear at a moment when public health, security, and democracy have become intertwined, addressed at the highest levels of government. The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan, for example, identified IHR revision as a priority for moving humanity toward “larger freedom.” This article analyzes (...)
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  50. Seeing is believing: The effect of brain images on judgments of scientific reasoning.David P. McCabe & Alan D. Castel - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):343-352.
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